Newtown Cordmarked Ceramic Rimsherd   Save
J. C. Allman Collection
Description: This small, grit-tempered rimsherd is fairly straight. There is a very slight thinning toward the flat lip edge. It is Newtown cordmarked on the exterior surface, which is dark brown and very dark gray. The interior surface is flat and mostly brown in color. This piece comes from Late Woodland Culture. The Woodland Period, which includes the Adena, Hopewell, and Late Woodland cultures (1000 B.C.-1000 A.D.) is notable because the cultures experimented with agriculture, established more permanent settlements, made technological advances in hunting and food processing, and demonstrated increased complexity in social organization. In Ohio, elaborate burial mounds and earthworks, specialized craft products, and long distance trade are evidence of these cultural changes. By about A.D. 600, Late Woodland peoples lived in permanent villages. However, they may have traveled to remote camps to collect nuts in the fall or fish in the spring. Gradually the Late Woodland groups adopted some of the Mississippian ways of farming, arranging their villages, and making pottery. Some archaeologists believe that single Late Woodland groups were better able to support themselves and no longer needed to rely on vast trade networks for food and other goods. View on Ohio Memory.
Image ID: A3233_000543
Subjects: Pottery, Prehistoric;
Places: J. C. Allman Collection