Blast furnace tuyeres   Save
YHCIL MSS0140 Youngstown Sheet & Tube Audiovisual Archives
Description: This photograph depicts the tuyeres of a blast furnace. The tuyeres are pipes or nozzles used to inject air into the bottom of the furnace. Blast furnaces are used to smelt iron ore with coke to produce pig iron. This is the first step of steel production that occurs at mills. Air is forced into the bottom of the furnace through tuyeres, supporting the combustion, and giving the furnace its "blast" name. This photograph belongs to the Youngstown Sheet and Tube Audiovisual Archives, so its subject is likely located at a Youngstown company plant. View on Ohio Memory.
Image ID: AC2_YHCIL_MSS0140_B02F21_002
Subjects: Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company; Steel industry; Blast furnaces; Tuyeres
Places: YHCIL MSS0140 Youngstown Sheet & Tube Audiovisual Archives