"Goddess of Smoke" cartoon   Save
Youngstown Sheet & Tube Audiovisual Archives
Description: This political cartoon depicts the "Goddess of Smoke" rising with smoke out of a building marked, "GODDESS OF SMOKE: KEPT BURNING BY AN INDIFFERENT PUBLIC AND SUPPORTED BY IGNORANT FURNACE STOKING". A person labeled "CIVIC BEAUTY" leans agains the building and asks, "WHAT'S THE USE?" and a flyer on the ground reads, "GOVERNMENT FIGURES SHOW THAT YOUNGSTOWN IS ONE OF THE SMOKIEST CITIES IN THE U.S." Cars are also pictured in the background. View on Ohio Memory.
Image ID: AC2_YHCIL_MSS0140_B04F58_003
Subjects: Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company; Steel industry; Cartoon & Satire; Pollution
Places: Youngstown Sheet & Tube Audiovisual Archives