"It's Up to You!" cartoon   Save
Youngstown Sheet & Tube Audiovisual Archives
Description: This political cartoon depicts a pair of scenes. The scene on top depicts a man with smoke pouring out of his stove. He yells, "THE COAL MAN SAID I COULD HELP CLEAN YOUNGSTOWN IF I'D USE THIS COAL." His wife yells downstairs, "JOHN! DON'T YOU SEE YOU'RE FILLING THE HOUSE WITH SMOKE?" The scene below depicts a happier couple in a cleaner basement. The man says, "IT DOESN'T SEEM LIKE THE SAME OLD CELLAR DOES IT?" The woman replies, "NO SMOKE - NO DIRT - LESS WORK - WHY DIDN'T WE USE CLEAN FUEL LONG AGO?" View on Ohio Memory.
Image ID: AC2_YHCIL_MSS0140_B04F58_008
Subjects: Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company; Steel industry; Cartoon & Satire; Pollution
Places: Youngstown Sheet & Tube Audiovisual Archives