Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company Baseball Game Photograph   Save
Youngstown Sheet & Tube Audiovisual Archives
Description: The Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company employees played on baseball teams organized by department. This 8.5" by 11" (21.6 by 27.9 cm) image depicts a game played at Campbell Park in 1926. The blast furnaces of the Campbell Works are visible in the background. The game of baseball began in New York City in the 1840s and 1850s. During the Civil War, Union soldiers introduced the game to other soldiers from remote regions of the country. When the war ended, baseball clubs spread across the United States. The National League of Professional Baseball formed in 1876 to formalize professional baseball, but amateur baseball remained popular. By the end of the nineteenth century, many small towns in Ohio had formed their own baseball teams. In November 1900, a group of 55 Youngstown citizens, led by James A. Campbell, raised $600,000 in capital to create the Youngstown Iron Sheet and Tube Company. Land was purchased along the Mahoning River approximately three miles east of downtown. In 1 View on Ohio Memory.
Image ID: Om1628_1919905_008
Subjects: Sports; Business and Labor; Baseball; Athletes; Furnaces; Steel industry; Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company; Steel industry
Places: Youngstown (Ohio); Campbell (Ohio); Mahoning County (Ohio)