Wilanna Austin photograph   Save
Hallie Q. Brown
Description: Portrait of Wilanna Austin, the cousin of Hallie Q. Brown, as a young woman. Brown was the daughter of freed slaves Thomas and Frances Jane who were actively involved with the Underground Railroad. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Wilberforce University and later became Dean of Women at Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. Brown helped found the National Association of Colored Women (NACW), was elected Secretary of Education of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in 1900 and served as the 7th National President of the NACW. View on Ohio Memory.
Image ID: NAM_MSS5_B10F05_B
Subjects: Brown, Hallie Q. (Hallie Quinn), d. 1949; African American women; African American Educators; Wilberforce University; Tuskegee Institute; Religion in Ohio
Places: Hallie Q. Brown