Lewis Cass portrait   Save
Lewis Cass Collection
Description: Lewis Cass (1782-1866) was elected to the Ohio House of Representatives in 1806. After resigning as U.S. Marshal in 1812 to enlist in the United States Army, he played an active role in Ohio's defense during the War of 1812. During that war, President James Madison appointed Cass the governor of the Michigan Territory; he served in this position from 1813 until 1831, when President Andrew Jackson appointed Cass Secretary of War. Cass held this position until 1836, when Jackson appointed him the United States' ambassador to France, where he remained until 1842. After being elected to the United States Senate from Michigan in 1845, Cass was the Democratic presidential candidate in 1848. He lost the election and returned to Michigan, serving as one of that state's U.S. Senators until 1857, when he became President James Buchanan's Secretary of State. View on Ohio Memory.
Image ID: AL03943
Subjects: Ohio History--State and Local Government; War of 1812; Governors
Places: Lewis Cass Collection