Ohio Memorial Gift Plate bookplate   Save
Katherine Geis Collection
Description: The Ohio Memorial Gift Plate of the Columbus Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution to the American Library in Manila was presented in 1902 by Mary E. Rath-Merrill to the Columbus Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The purpose of the gift was to mark the books in the Ohio Memorial Alcove of the American Library in Manila and to purchase additional volumes for this collection through the sale of proofs signed in autography and the ordinary impressions of the plate to individuals and to institutions collecting bookplates. These copies were intended for books in the Ohio alcove in the American Library at Manila. Reading "In God W Trust To Our Fallen Heroes," the design is framed in a border of buckeyes, the emblem of the state of Ohio. In the center of the design is a tablet upon which rests the Bible. Around the tablet is the Palm Wreath of Victory, while above it is a winged hourglass, held by a chain. Behind and supporting Daughters of the American Revolution and the seal of the state of Ohio. In the center and directly over the arched window in the library alcove is the shield containing the arms of the United States. Through the open window are ships and emblems of war, in reference to the navy and the army. On either side of the library alcove is a Corinthian column, encircled by a Chain of Love and surmounted by the Lamp of Truth. View on Ohio Memory.
Image ID: AL05719
Subjects: Cultural Ohio--Literary Ohio; Bookplates; Books and reading
Places: Katherine Geis Collection