Johanna Maria Heckewelder Carte de Visite   Save
Description: Johanna Maria Heckewelder, the first white female child born in what would later become the state of Ohio, was born in Gnaddenhutten, Ohio, in Tuscarawas County in 1781. Her parents were Moravian missionaries sent to Ohio to convert the Delaware Indians to Christianity. The photograph measures 2.5 by 4 inches (6.35 by 10.16 cm). Cartes-de-visite, photographic portraits on cardboard, were popular in the late nineteenth century. Some were used as calling cards, others were sold and traded as collectibles. View on Ohio Memory.
Image ID: Om1363_1160511_001
Subjects: Ohio Women; Religion in Ohio
Places: Gnadenhutten (Ohio); Tuscarawas County (Ohio)