United States Post Office and Courthouse - Cincinnati, Ohio

Description: Reverse reads: "E. 5th St. West. New Post Office Build 1937 Cincinnati, Ohio."
Once called the U.S. Post Office and Court house, the building located at 100 East Fifth Street extends from Main to Walnut Streets on the North side of Fifth Street. Completed in 1939, having been rebuilt upon the foundations of the 1885 French Renaissance style Federal Building, the nine story structure shows both Art Deco and Art Modern style architecture, and is built of Indiana limestone, resting on a granite base. The facade has fenestration bays on all sides, defined by vertical recessed window and spandrel openings, with a Greek key belt at the fourth floor and a carved frieze and cornice at the top. The long interior concourse is in tile with chrome and marble trim, and the glass writing tables have fancy golden legs. In addition to the post office, the building housed 51 federal agencies, including: the Federal court for the Cincinnati district, recruiting offices of the Army and Navy, a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) office, and field offices for the departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Interior, Justice, Labor, Treasury, and other agencies.
The post office left in 1992, leaving the courthouse occupied almost entirely by federal court offices, most importantly, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio and the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District Court of Ohio. The building has renamed to the Potter Stewart U.S. Courthouse.
Over time, more office space was needed and in 1964 an additional office building, the ten story John Weld Peck Federal Building, and most of the government agencies moved to this new building. View on Ohio Memory.
Image ID: SA1039AV_B04F02_02_01
Subjects: Potter Stewart United States Courthouse (Cincinnati, Ohio); United States. Post Office Dept.--Buildings--Ohio--Cincinnati--1850-1860; United States. Court of Appeals (6th Circuit);
Places: Cincinnati (Ohio); Hamilton County (Ohio)
Image ID: SA1039AV_B04F02_02_01
Subjects: Potter Stewart United States Courthouse (Cincinnati, Ohio); United States. Post Office Dept.--Buildings--Ohio--Cincinnati--1850-1860; United States. Court of Appeals (6th Circuit);
Places: Cincinnati (Ohio); Hamilton County (Ohio)