Studabaker schoolhouse photgraph   Save
Ohio Guide Photographs
Description: Photograph of the Studabaker Schoolhouse. This was the first brick schoolhouse in Darke County and was built around 1840. The schoolhouse was built on the Abraham Studabaker homestead, who was the region’s leading pioneer, in modern-day Darke County (1808). The schoolhouse was in the Beehive School District #14. The property is currently maintained and owned by Fort Greeneville Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and is on the National Register of Historical Places. Reverse reads: "-Schools Darke County Aug. 15, 1938 Greenville Ohio FIRST BRICK SCHOOLHOUSE in Darke County Photo: Federal Writers' Project, Dayton, Ohio." View on Ohio Memory.
Image ID: SA1039AV_B12F06_020_001
Subjects: Schools; Historic buildings;
Places: Darke County (Ohio)