Ohio Guide chapter heading - Racial Elements and Folklore

Description: This art deco style illustration was used in The Ohio Guide, however, the title “Racial Elements & Folklore” as it appears in this drawing was changed to “Folklore and Ethnic Groups”. It depicts a group of people sitting around a still, presumably making moonshine. In a nearly identical of this drawing, the name “Johnny Appleseed” appear underneath the man just left of center, who almost appears to be a hobo suffering the ill effects of the Great Depression.
This illustration is a photographic reproduction of a drawing. It is one of a series produced as possible chapter headings for The Ohio Guide.
From 1935 to 1942, the Works Progress Administration (WPA), through its Federal Writers' Project created The American Guide Series, which included forty-eight state guides, as well as supplemental guides for large cities, etc.
The state guides are divided into three sections. In the first section are general essays about the state on things such as agriculture, culture, history, industry, religion, etc. The second section contains an overview of the various cities and towns around the state, as well as enumerating various points of interest. The last section is dedicated to various tours around the state. The tourist is taken from city to city, with turn by turn directions, and descriptions of what can be seen along the way. While much of the country has grown and changed since the guides were written, it is surprising how much remains, and sometimes more surprising what has been lost. View on Ohio Memory.
Image ID: SA1039AV_B09F16_020
Subjects: Books Chapter-headings; United States. Works Progress Administration of Ohio; Federal Writers' Project. Ohio Federal Writers' Project
Places: Ohio
Image ID: SA1039AV_B09F16_020
Subjects: Books Chapter-headings; United States. Works Progress Administration of Ohio; Federal Writers' Project. Ohio Federal Writers' Project
Places: Ohio